Cyflawnder nerth cyflawnder gras

(Cyflawnder o ras a doniau yn Nghrist)
Cyflawnder nerth, cyflawnder gras,
  Cyflawnder nef y nef,
Uwch deall seraphim na saint 
  Sy'n trigo ynddo Ef.

Mae ynddo'i hunan drysor mwy
  Nag fedd y byd yn un;
A phrawf o'i gariad ydyw'r fraint,
  Oruchaf gafodd dyn.

Fy ymffrost gaiff fod am ei ras,
  A'm nefoedd fydd ei hedd;
Ac mi orweddaf gydag Ef
  Yn foddlon yn y bedd.

Yn mhob rhyw ddoniau mae E'n fawr
  Anfeidrol yw ei rym;
Ac nid oes pwysau ar Ei ras,
  A'i haeddiant Dwyfol ddim.

Mae ynddo drugareddau fil,
  A doniau yn ddidrai;
A rhyw ffyddlondeb fel y môr,
  At ei gystuddiol rai.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
St Ann (William Croft 1678-1727)
St David (Thomas Ravenscroft 1592-1635)

  Af at yr orsedd fel yr wyf
  Iesu yw tegwch mawr y byd
  Mae ynddo drugareddau fil
  Mae'r iachawdwriaeth rad mor fawr
  Ni fethodd gweddi daer erioed
  Nis gall angylion pur y nef (Er maint)

(The fullness of the grace and gifts of Christ)
The fullness of strength, the fullness of grace,
  The fullness of the heaven of heaven,
Above the understanding of seraphs and saints
  Which dwells in Him.

In him himself is treasure greater
  Than any the world possesses;
And an experience of his love is the supreme
  Privilege man has had.

My boast will get to be about his grace
  And my heaven will be his peace;
And I will rest with Him
  In satisfaction in the grave.

In every kind of gifts He is great
  Infinite is his force;
And there is nothing close to His grace,
  And his Divine merit at all.

There are in him a thousand mercies,
  And unebbing gifts;
And some faithfulness like the sea,
  To his afflicted ones.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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